Development credit agreement [ IDA] 开发信贷协议[国际开发协会]
Most people use credit cards-but do they know the terms of the agreement they have with their card issuer. 很多人使用信用卡?但是他们明白信用卡公司合约书上面那些专业用词吗?
Mr Maliki will naturally take as much credit as he can from the withdrawal agreement with the Americans. 马利基先生自然会从与美国人签订的撤军协议中捞取尽可能多的功劳。
The general always gets credit for his army's victory; the agreement was a triumph for common sense. 我军取得了战斗的胜利。
Any indebtedness owed by borrower to ICDF shall be governed by and construed under the laws and submitted to the court specified in the credit facility agreement between the bank and the borrower. 立承诺书人对贵基金贵基金会所负之各宗债务,合意以立承诺书人与授信银行签订之授信合约所载管辖法院为管辖法院。
"Financial rights" mean a person's rights to share in income, gain, receipt, loss, deduction, credit and distribution as provided in this Agreement and any right to assign such rights. “金融权利”是指一个人分享本协议中的收入、收益、收据、损失、扣除,信贷、分配的权利,以及任何出让这些权利的权利。
It makes up the defect of the credit market, and standardizes credit agreement to the convenience of market bargaining, thus promotes the transfer of credit risk. 它弥补了信贷市场的缺陷,将信贷合约标准化,使之便于市场交易,从而促进信用风险的转移。
Reciprocal Payments and Credit Agreement 互惠结算和信贷协定
Irrevocable and Transferable Documentary Sight Letter of Credit ( Concerning the Supplemental Loan Agreement to the General Loan Agreement No BLA 99012) 不可撤销的,可转让的即期信用证(关于总贷款协议第BLA99012项下的分贷款协议)
This credit line is to be evidenced by a loan agreement. 本信贷额度将签订贷款协议。
The Monthly Operational Summary ( MOS) reports on the status of projects in the Bank's lending pipeline: from the point of identification of the project to the signing of the loan or credit agreement. 月度业务简报报告世界银行备选项目的进展状况,覆盖从选定项目到签订贷款或信贷协定的全过程。
For example, in one case the seller of credit protection recently discovered that the final agreement on insuring a portfolio of collateralised debt obligations had never been signed, either by it or a French bank which in this case was buying protection. 例如,在一个案例中,信用保护的销售商最近发现,为一个CDO组合提供保险的最终协议从未签署&无论是它自己还是本案中购买保护的那家法国银行。
You'd better read carefully the Terms and Conditions of the Peony International Credit Card and the Using Agreement of Peony Credit Card, and make sure of your rights and obligations. 您最好仔细看看“牡丹国际卡章程”和“牡丹信用卡领用合同”,弄清您之权利和义务。
The expiry of a driving licence, lease, credit card, contract, agreement, etc 驾驶执照、租约、信用卡、合同、协议等的期满
Check your credit agreement small print to see how much you could be charged, and see if this makes the prospect of early repayment quite as attractive. 小额信贷协议查核你打印你看看多少可收取,看看这提前还款前景相当具有吸引力。
Human credit is in the main composed of emotional credit, non-emotional credit, consanguinity credit, identity credit, and agreement credit. 情感信用与非情感信用,血缘信用、身份信用与契约信用构成人类信用的基本类型。
First of all, in brief to introduce credit risks measuring method and after measuring the historical gradual progress of the model, this text has analyzed the content that the new relevant credit risks of capital agreement of Basel measured especially. 首先,在简要介绍了信用风险测算方法及测算模型的历史演进后,本文对巴塞尔新资本协议有关信用风险测算的内容进行了重点解析。
The truth of arbitration about a disputable credit agreement 一场贷款协议争议案仲裁始末
China Export& Credit Insurance Corporation Signs the Overall Strategic Cooperative Agreement with Yutong Group 中国宇通远航,出口金融保驾&中国信保与宇通集团签署全面战略合作协议
Analysis on Failing Cause of Promoting Mechanism of Standard Credit Agreement in Medium Small Enterprises 标准信贷合约的激励机制在中小企业信贷中的失效原因分析
In each specific project, the lender and the borrower will sign a buyer's credit agreement to stipulate the rights and the obligations of each party. 在每个具体的出口买方信贷项目中,借贷双方都要签订出口买方信贷协议来约定双方的权利和义务。因此,出口买方信贷协议是出口买方信贷中最重要的法律文件。
Credit risk is the distribution of financial losses due to unexpected changes in the credit quality of a counterparty in a financial agreement. 信用风险是金融契约中由于交易对手的信用质量发生了非预期的变化所导致的财务损失的分布,它几乎遍及所有的金融交易。
Now the cooperation between the two regions is mainly in the exploitation of natural resources, and it takes the forms of international trade, credit agreement, foreign capital enterprises as well as scientific and technical cooperation. 目前,远东地区与东北亚地区的合作以开发自然资源为主,具体表现为以下几种形式:国际贸易、贷款协议、外资企业、科技合作。
Part Four centers upon the particular protection on consumers 'rights out of the consumer credit contract in the process of making agreement. 第四部分论述了在消费信用合同签订过程中对消费者权益的特殊保护问题。文章指出,在消费信用合同签订过程中,因对消费者个人信用情报的利用而可能产生损害消费者利益的现象。
Short-term transnational capital transference falls into 4 groups, legal issues concerning which go as follows: 1. Concerning the transference of trade capital, the settlement of export credit agreement and international trade must be taken into legal consideration; 短期资本跨国流动主要可分为四类,其法律问题有:1.贸易资金的流动,包括出口信贷协议和国际货物买卖中的结算。
In the credit risk processing aspect, the new agreement recommend using internal rating method that technology content extremely high, this set a higher request regarding the bank measure credit risk. 在信用风险处理方面,新协议推荐使用技术含量极高的内部评级方法,这对于银行度量信用风险提出了更高的要求。
In Chapter 2, focused on the legal concerns of the credit derivatives transactions, ISDA Master Agreement which is widely used by traders is introduced and discussed. 第二章则切入信用衍生产品交易的法律层面上,从市场参与者最广泛使用的ISDA主协议入手,介绍和分析相关的问题。
Our country college loans from just started the small mortgage loan, later massive package credit agreement, make higher education in the financial markets of the funds into strong flourishing under vigorous development. 我国高校贷款从刚起步的小规模抵押担保贷款,到后期大规模的一揽子授信协议,让高等教育在金融市场资金的强有力注入下欣欣向荣蓬勃发展。